Managing Entity Collections

You will need to manage an entity collection if entities are being added or removed from it while it's being assessed. The most obvious situation is linking a dynamic group to an entity collection. Because the number of entities fluctuate in a dynamic group, new entities may become  members of a linked dynamic group, or the existing entities may no longer be a part of a linked dynamic group after an entity collection assessment has started. For this reason, you must manage such entities to run your entity collection assessments in a meaningful way.

To manage an entity collection:

1. Go to Assessments > Programs, and select the appropriate program to open. 

2. Click the Assessments tab, then click the entity collection type of assessment and perform the following tasks:

  • Click More Actions > Manage entities moved into entity collections. Select the newly added entities on the Entities moved into entity collections dialog, and click OK to add those entities to the entity collection assessment.
  • Click More Actions > Manage entities moved out of entity collections. Select the appropriate entities on the Entities moved out of entity collections dialog using Ctrl+click to select multiple entities. Click OK to remove those entities from the entity collection assessment.

For information about how a dynamic group and its members function when added to an entity collection, see Using Entity Collections.