Customizing Incident Management

RiskVision version 4.1 and later supports a hook that allows custom-scripted asset manipulation during the classification process.

The general interface for this hook is:

package com..survey.asset;

import com..common.ALException;

import com..dal.model.Asset;

public interface EntityScriptUpdater {


 * update the asset attributes

 * @param asset

 * @throws ALException


public void updateEntity(Asset asset) throws ALException;


The hook is controlled by these properties in the .properties file:


The first property enables or disables the hook and the second property specifies the custom groovy script. The default implementation without specifying the groovy source is



A good use case for this functionality is to customize the incident risk score calculation after the incident is done with classification, as the implementation of incident classification is performed through a hidden asset and the asset is associated with the incident by Asset#getIncident() or Incident#getAsset().

Here are the steps (these are all one-time steps):

  1. Save the custom groovy file (based on the interface above) to a folder such as server/config.
  2. Set the following properties in the .properties file, update based on your deployment:

  4. Restart the RiskVision Tomcat service, or click Reload in the Configuration section of Administration > Server Administration menu.