You can create, activate, deactivate, update, or delete user accounts if you have the System User Manage permission.
You must assign a role to a user to allow them to log in to the RiskVision solution. A warning symbol displays next to users who are configured without a role.
To configure user account:
In the Administration application, go to Users > Users.
To create a new account, click New.
To modify an existing account, select a user, click Details, and then click Edit.
Enter the user information:
User name: The user's login ID. Note that user name cannot be changed once the user account is created.
Password: A password for the RiskVision solution. Passwords must be at least eight characters long, and must contain at least one digit and at least one alphabetic character.
Confirm password: Retype the password.
First name: Type the user's first name as you want it to display in other fields of the RiskVision solution, such as Entity Ownership. Many default e-mail templates use the recipient's first name as a greeting.
Middle initial: Type a single letter.
Last name: Type the user's last name as you want it to display in the RiskVision solution.
E-mail address: Type the full e-mail address of the user. Users enter their e-mail address (or User name) when they log in to the RiskVision solution. They also receive notifications at this address.
Force Password Change: Check the box to require that the user change their password the next time they log in.
Allow user to access RiskVision: Activate or deactivate an user account. An user account that is deactivated (suspended) will not allow a user to access the RiskVision.
Click OK to add the user or Save if you are modifying an existing account.
The user is created and the details page displays.