E-mail Templates

Email templates are provided for HTML and plain text alert notification. New templates can be created for special purposes. Email templates include variable references and commands such as #foreach in order to embed system data in custom content.

This example illustrates part of a plain text alert notification email.

#if ($macs && 0 != $macs)


  #set($totalAlerts = $details.getTotalAlerts('ASSESSMENT_COMPLIANCE_SCORE')) 

  #set($newAlerts = $details.getNewAlerts('ASSESSMENT_COMPLIANCE_SCORE')) 


 Alerts on assessment compliance score: 

 There are $totalAlerts.size() assessments that fell below the minimum compliance score $details.threshold.get('ASSESSMENT_COMPLIANCE_SCORE'). $newAlerts.size() of them are new violations since the last alert. They are listed below 

 #foreach($project in $details.alertsByProject) 


  #set($totalAlerts = $project.getTotalAlerts('ASSESSMENT_COMPLIANCE_SCORE')) 

  #set($newAlerts = $project.getNewAlerts('ASSESSMENT_COMPLIANCE_SCORE')) 


  #if ($newAlerts && 0 != $newAlerts.size()) 

  project: $project.projectName, total: $totalAlerts.size(), new: $newAlerts.size() 

  project details: $project.projectDetailsUrl 

  #foreach($alert in $newAlerts) 

  $alert.entityName: $alert.score ($alert.entityDetailsUrl) 





For more information about template variables, see About Email Templates.