By clicking on a control or subcontrol in the Control Results grid, users can view the Control/Test Details page which offers more detailed read-only information about each one. For controls, the page will show the Control Statement and Exceptions.
For subcontrols, the page will show the data from the subcontrol's Subcontrol Result, Implementation, Remediation, and Comments sections.
In addition to the above information, the Control/Test Details page for subcontrols shows grids for the attached findings, tickets, and exceptions.
Findings Summary:
The Findings Summary grid shows the following information:
- Finding ID: The ID of the finding attached to the subcontrol.
- Title: The name that the finding's creator assigned to the finding.
- Status: The current status of the finding.
- Owner: The user who created the finding.
- Risk Score: The current risk score attached to the finding.
- Created: The date and time that the finding was created.
- Last Updated: The date and time that the finding was last updated.
Tickets Summary:
The Tickets Summary grid shows the following information:
- Ticket ID: The ID of the ticket attached to the subcontrol.
- Title: The name that the ticket's creator assigned to the ticket.
- Status: The current status of the ticket.
- Owner: The user who created the ticket.
- Risk: The current risk score attached to the ticket.
- Last Updated: The date and time that the ticket was last updated.
Exception Summary:
The Exception Summary grid shows the following information:
- Exception ID: The ID of the exception attached to the subcontrol.
- Exception Name: The name that the exception's creator assigned to the exception.
- Status: The current status of the exception.
- Risk: The current risk score attached to the exception.
- Start: The date and time that the exception began.
- End: The date and time that the exception ended or is scheduled to end.
- Last Updated: The date and time that the exception was last updated.