Generate a Ciphertext Password for JNDI Datasource

This section describes the steps to manually generate a password and copy it to %JASPER_HOME%\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\META-INF\context.xml.

  1. In the default_master.properites file set the value of RiskVision Reportuser Password to dbPassword property (dbPassword is for the PostgreSQL database but for a workaround to generate RiskVision password we can use the dbPassword temporarily)
  2. Set encrypt=true
  3. Set propsToEncrypt=dbPassword,sysPassword
  4. In command line go to %JASPER_HOME%\buildomatic
  5. Run js-ant refresh-config
  6. Step 5 will replace the password value with the encrypted format.
  7. Get the encrypted value of the dbPassword property and use that in the context.xml
  8. Revert the value of dbPassword with the PostgreSQL database password
  9. Change encrypt.done=true to encrypt=true
  10. Run step 4 and 5 again to fix the PostgreSQL password.