Backup files are now named, where the trailing characters in the filename are a timestamp of the backup date and time. This file normally contains the following backup and zip files:
- The RiskVision Server back up the file:
- The MySQL dump file: mysqldump-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sql.
- One or more MySQL binary log files (i.e., incremental backup files) generated between the MySQL dump file in the backup file and the one in the next backup file. These files are named -nnnnnn.
- The JasperReports Server database backup file:
- The JasperReports Server repository dump file:
- The index file for MySQL binary log files at the time of the backup.
An example of RiskVision backup files.
Do not rename the files in the destination directory. Also, note that the timestamp of the MySQL dump file is later than that of the server back up file. Database back up files are password-protected (using the database root password at the time of the back up). They are not meant for end-user viewing or modification.