Launch the Assessment

When you create an assessment, the corresponding questionnaires are created and sent, the automatic checks are run, and the assessment process begins. All assessments are automatically moved to the initial stage.

RiskVision verifies settings as the assessment transitions through the following launch sequence. If any of the checks fail, the assessment creation and program launch fail. The following table provides a list of possible errors and suggestions on how to troubleshoot assessment issues.

It is recommended to allow sufficient time when consecutively performing the add or delete assessment actions.




Validation and creating base program

Program Team does not have any members

Add members to the selected team on the Teams page of Users menu in the Administration application.

Remove the team from the Name and owners section. See Naming the program and assigning owners.

No risk or control selected.

Select a control or questionnaire. See Selecting Controls or Questionnaires

Gathering snapshot of entities

No entities selected.

Select an entity or dynamic group with members. See Choosing Entities.

An assessment will fail to launch if you restart the RiskVision Tomcat service while the assessment launch is in progress. The assessment status will display as "Creation in Progress". In addition, the stakeholders of the first stage will not be notified of the assessment launch. To overcome this issue, recreate the same program assessment. This enables reconciliation of the failed assessment. Ensure that assessments have been launched successfully, however, if the assessment still displays the "Creation in Progress" status, delete the assessment and recreate it.