Assessment E-mail Templates

The following variables are available to designers of this type of email template:

Variable Description
email The email object gives the designer access to the setSubject method, which takes a string that can include other variables.
projectName The name of the Program associated with this assessment.
surveyName The name of the Questionnaire.
projectDescription The description of the Program associated with this assessment.
userName The recipient of the email, usually a stakeholder in the current assessment.
launchStatusDetails A descriptive string (Assessment Launch Status template only).
assessmentName The name of the assessment.
commentOwnerName The name of the user rejecting the assessment (Review Rejection or Signoff Rejection only).
comment The text of the comment associated with the rejection (Review Rejection or Signoff Rejection only).

You can add the $NT.getValue("RAProject.version") variable in any assessment email template type to display the assessment's version number.