Understanding Risk Actions

From the Risk Management tab of Assessment Details page, you can view a list of all the identified risks with the corresponding Inherent, Current, and Residual risks scores. Use risk actions to mitigate a risk, create a response, map controls, or analyze the risk (inherent and residual risk analysis) at the risk or associated control level.


Available from


Add Risk Response

Risk Management (More actions)

Respond to a selected risk. See Creating a Response

Risk Register (More actions)

Assign Owner

Risk Management (More actions)

Assign a risk to the owner. 

Risk Register (More actions)

Control Analysis 

Risk Management (More actions)

Analyze the controls associated with the selected risk. For more information, see Control Analysis. 


Risk Management (More actions)

Delete the selected risk(s).

Note: Choosing the delete option to remove a risk might affect the same risks, if they are identified in other assessments. 

Risk Register (More actions)

Risk Details (Actions)

Importing Risk Assessments

Risk Management (More actions)

Import risk assessments by using Excel. Download the provided template, RiskAssessmentImportTemplate.xls, and enter risk information to import. For more information, see Importing Data

Inherent Risk Analysis

Risk Management (More actions)

Risk Details (Inherent Risk Analysis section)

Enables inherent risk analysis. For more

information, see Inherent Risk Analysis

Risk Register (More actions)

Launch Questionnaires

Risk Management (More actions)

Questionnaires associated with a risk are launched. If questionnaires have been launched earlier, a notification will be sent to the owner.

Mark as applicable

Risk Management (More actions)

Ongoing assessments may expose risks that were not identified at the initial stage. Users can use this option to make a

risk or control more effective.

Risk Details (Controls section)

Risk Register (More actions)

Mark as not applicable

Risk Management (More actions)

In a risk assessment, you can uncheck a risk or a control in order to remove a risk from the assessment.

Risk Details (Controls section)

Risk Register (More actions)

Refresh Scores 

Risk Management (More actions)

Updates the risk scores after performing control, inherent and residual risk analysis, and response creation. This action only updates scores at the Assessment level. To update scores at the Program level, run the Risk Analysis Calculator job.

Risk Details (Actions)

Residual Risk Analysis 

Risk Management (More actions)

Enables residual risk analysis. For more information, see Residual Risk Analysis

Risk Details (Inherent Risk Analysis section)

Risk Register (More actions)

Show Risk Responses

Risk Management (More actions)

Displays all the response measures related to a risk.


Risk Details (Risk Responses section)

Risk Register (More actions)

Likelihood and Impact

Risk Register (More actions)

Allows you to estimate the likelihood and impact of a risk and provide comments.

Risk Details

Risk Register (More actions)

Displays risk details, such as controls in place, risk assessment questionnaires, and responses. 

Refresh with Default Inherent Scores for Blank

Risk Management (More actions)

Allows users to refresh the Inherent Risk values to the default value when the Impact and Likelihood values in the Inherent Risk Analysis are changed to N/A.