Preferred Ownership

Objects such as entities and controls have at least one owner. Object owners can be nominated as the primary stakeholders of any workflow stage so that they can manage the objects in an assessment. Alternatively, you can also assess entities based on the controls, groups or control objectives with preferred ownership that match the workflow stage owners and entity owners. Preferred ownership allows stakeholders to answer a questionnaire that is different from other stakeholders' questionnaires of the same program assessment. That is, preferred ownership allows the first stage of an assessment workflow to send a unique questionnaire to each stakeholder.

To implement preferred ownership:

  1. The control, control objective, content pack, or group must list the ownership type in the Target Entity’s Preferred Ownership field.
  2. Go to Assessment Workflow Options.  
  3. Click the Enable preferred user matching checkbox, and indicate whether a questionnaire must be sent if the preferred user is not found for a particular entity.

If Enable preferred user matching is selected and no matching users are found, the default behavior is that the questionnaire will not be sent.