Ad Hoc Editor

The Ad hoc Editor is an easy-to-use report building utility that supports drag and drop. Typically, you use topics or domains to create reports on the fly. Because of the drag and drop feature, this editor will reduce ambiguity and produces the desired layout and output. During report design, you can format the report appearance, switch the report type (table, crosstab, and chart), sort the report data, edit labels for the data displayed in a report, add custom fields to perform mathematical calculations and so on.

For information about how to create a report and format the appearance of a table, chart, and crosstab report types using the Ad Hoc Editor, see Creating an Ad Hoc Table Report, Creating an Ad Hoc Chart Report, and Creating an Ad Hoc Crosstab Report.

In order to explore more advanced features and options in the Ad hoc Editor, refer to the sections, "Designing an Ad hoc Report," "Creating a Report from a Domain," "Formatting the Appearance of a Table," "Refining the Crosstab," and "Designing Charts," in the JasperReports-Server-User-Guide.