Force Stage Transition

Any user with appropriate permissions can force the stage transition of a workflow for objects such as tickets, exceptions, findings, or incidents, when the stage stakeholder fails to transition the workflow to the next stage in time. Only a primary policy owner can force a stage transition in a policy workflow. When a workflow stage is set to advance automatically to the next stage after a certain number of stakeholders have performed a particular action, force transition allows you to override this requirement. The following table lists the objects and the permission or ownership criteria required to force a stage transition.

 Object Criteria
TicketManage permission
ExceptionApprove permission
IncidentManage permission
FindingManage permission
PolicyPrimary ownership

To force a stage transition: 

  1. Select an object. 
  2. Go to the Workflow section. 

  3. Check the Force Transition checkbox,  then the desired action to complete the transition.