About Comparison Operators

Comparison operators allow you to compare two values. Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values.

To use a comparison operator, you must specify the values that you want to compare together with an operator that separates these values. When the input is a collection of values, the comparison operators return any matching values. If there are no matches in a collection, comparison operators do not return anything.

The following table describes the comparison operators:

 Operators Data type Description



Exactly matches the value.

For Tags and Organizational Nodes, use Contains, not ==.

Not equals


Any that do not exactly match.

Greater than

float, integer, short, long, timestamp

Definition is higher than the number that you entered.

Greater than or equal

float, integer, short, long, timestamp

Definition is similar or higher than the number that you entered.

Less than

float, integer, short, long, timestamp

Definition is lower than the number that you entered.

Less than or equal

float, integer, short, long, timestamp

Definition is similar or lower than the number that you entered.



Value is between two values. (Selecting this Comparison op displays a second value field).



Definition contains the exact phrase that you entered. For example: 'al' matches alright and minimal but not.

Starts with


Definition begins with the exact phrase that you entered. For example: 'al' matches alright, but not minimal and.

Ends with


Definition ends with the exact phrase that you entered. For example: 'al' matches minimal, but not alright.

Matches filter


Allows one filter condition to reference another filter.

Is Null/Is Not Null

all, except boolean

The field, is defined or not defined.